An elusive passage emerges.

AuthorWyels, Joyce Gregory
PositionNorthwest Passage

When Alejandro Malaspina and his crew set off from Mexico in search of the Northwest Passage, his expedition was one of many Spanish voyages sent to reconnoiter the northern reaches of the continent (and thus strengthen Spanish claims in the New World). Sea captains believed that the entrance to the fabled "Strait of Anian," connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific, lurked among the inlets. bays, and fiords of what is now western Canada.

British explorers, meanwhile, having exhausted the possibility of finding a viable sea route from the east coast of North America. also sought the elusive passage among the waterways of the northwest. Given the alternative--a punishing trip around South America--their wishful thinking is easy to understand.

The sometimes confrontational sometimes cooperative ventures undertaken by British and Spanish explorers led to an inescapable conclusion: No practical shortcut crossed the continent. If a channel existed, it lay hidden under dense northern ice.

Subsequent forays into the Arctic were mostly scientific (sometimes doomed) expeditions. The Norwegian Roald Amundsen forged a northwest voyage from Norway through Baffin Bay to Alaska. completing an epic three-year journey in 1906. But commercial interests turned the attention southward to the more promising Panama Canal, relegating the quest for the Northwest Passage to a historical footnote.

Now, as Panama Canal shipping copes with rising costs, congestion, and size limits--a major expansion is in its early stages--the Northwest Passage is once again in the spotlight. In recent years icebreakers, military ships, and submarines have traversed its newly opened channels. These routes lie far to the north, mostly above the Arctic Circle. but their winding paths through Canada's Arctic islands save thousands...

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