America's Muslims: by the numbers.

Before the events of 9/11, the increasing number of Muslims living in the U.S. attracted little notice. But over the last few decades Islam has become one of the fastest-growing religions in America. There are now more than 1,200 mosques in the U.S., roughly half of them built during the last 20 years. As the article "Islam in America" discusses, the number of Muslims living in the U.S. is estimated as ranging from 1.5 million to 9 million.

But who are America's Muslims? The data in this graph, based on a recent national telephone survey, indicate that a high percentage of Muslims in the U.S. are college graduates and work in professional, occupations. They are politically diverse. And more than 50 percent of Muslim households report incomes higher than the national, median household income of $44,600.



  1. The percentage of the U.S. population that is mate is 10 percentage points tower than the percentage of Muslims who are male. What percent of the U.S. population is male?

    (a) 38%

    (b) 49%

    (c) 40%

    (d) 52%

  2. Add 100 percent to the "no high school, diploma" data for Muslims to get the no high school diploma percentage for the general population. What is the percentage of the general. population who have no high school, diploma?

    (a) 12%

    (b) 16%

    (c) 20%

    (d) 22%

  3. Muslims graduate from college at more than twice the rate of the general population of the U.S. About what percentage of the general population of the U.S. are college graduates?

    (a) 27%

    (b) 23%

    (c) 22%

    (d) 19%

  4. Look at the graph's statistics on American Muslims' employment in the career fields shown.

    What is the total...

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