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PositionFinalentry - Dialogue with Edward Joseph Pierini Jr - Interview

Edward Joseph Pierini Jr., GPA, a fourth-generation native of Sacramento, is a sole proprietor and CalCPA meniber since 1981. His Pierini Aceiountancy CPA office in midtown Sacramento is less than one mile from the streets where his Italian immigrant great-grandlather sold fresh vegetables in int a horse-drawn carriage mow than IN) years Pierini is a high school dropout , who joined the U.S. Army, he says he in his senior year. Alter the Army he says he later "redeemed himself" by earning two university degrees and becoming a CPA.

Besides working hard during tax season like most CPAs, Pierini is an active interne' blogger and recently authored his first book. He took time from a busy 2014 tax season to share his interests for this month's Final Entry.

How did the Pierini Fitness blog get started?

I discovered intunet fitness forurms about 10 years ago and started becoming active in some of them by posting and sharing my thoughts about fitness. Eventually. I earned some credibility with the advice I shared and was asked to serve as a moderator and administrator at line forum. This experience was my initial introduction to the faseillating cyberspace world of social media.

I started Pierini Fitness ( in August 2008, intending it to chronicle my health and wellness journey down the super-litness highway in the cyberspace last lane. Quicldv. I discovered my previously unknown interest and talents writing middle-aged man reflections. The locus of what I write at lily Hog 1.11.: short reflections about living and dying, gracelnik aging and trving my best to live a good and holiest life. But you ll also find decent stuff there about fitness. health and wellness. I have more than 700 post tin my Hog It's a treasure chest for me.

What has your 'middle-aged man's fitness journey' consisted of?

Well, as a CPA, I sit a lot It ir a living, and this is a health and wellness occupational hazard. I've tiever been a big lain of hard lumina] labor in my spare time. so demanding and strenuous fitness activities have I been my prescription for good health and wellness. It's how I "tame my beast." Over the years. my fitness curriculum has included running not jugging, I traditional karate and Olympic weightlifting activities. I have a saying that the fitness program has to match personality for lasting success. My fitness pursuits march my personality.

You're a second-degree black belt and dabble in Olympic weightlifting training, which...

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