Alcohol‐Focused Behavioral Couple Therapy

Date01 September 2016
AuthorKathryn Fokas,Brandi C. Fink,Barbara S. McCrady,Adrienne Borders,Adam D. Wilson,Rosa E. Muñoz
Published date01 September 2016
Alcohol-Focused Behavioral Couple Therapy
Alcohol Behavioral Couple Therapy (ABCT) has emerged over the last 30 years as a
highly efficacious treatment for those with alcohol use disorders. This review highlights
the historical and conceptual underpinnings of ABCT, as well as the specific treatment ele-
ments and structure. Proposed active ingredients, moderators, and mediators of treatment
outcome are discussed. Efficacy is evaluated for reductions in identified patient drinking,
improved relationship functioning, and reductions in intimate partner violence. Adapta-
tions of ABCT for substances other than alcohol are described. Other adaptations, includ-
ing brief interventions, interventions addressing PTSD and TBI along with alcohol use,
and interventions deliverable via technology platforms are described. Additional cost-bene-
fit and cost-effectiveness findings supporting the economic value of ABCT are noted. Future
directions for research in this area include possible adaptations for female identified
patients, nontraditional couples, LGBT partners and dyads involving nonintimate partner
relationships. The development of more flexible models and enhanced dissemination strate-
gies may improve clinical uptake and utility as well as increasing the feasibility of this
treatment for integrated healthcare settings.
Keywords: Alc ohol; Couple Therapy; Behavioral; Review
Fam Proc 55:443–459, 2016
Historical Roots
Concerns about the impact of alcohol on families and the engagement of families in
alcohol treatment date back to the temperance movement in the 1800s (inspired in
large part by women’s concerns about the impact of male drinking in taverns on the fam-
ily) and efforts in the late 1800s to engage families in treatment in early residential treat-
ment programs for “dipsomania and inebriety” (McCrady, Owens, & Brovko, 2013). More
contemporary family focused treatment approaches began with efforts by caseworkers to
assist women married to men with drinking problems (e.g., Baldwin, 1947) and the devel-
opment of parallel therapy groups for husbands with alcohol use disorders (AUDs) and
their wives (e.g., Gliedman, Rosenthal, Frank, & Nash, 1956; Pattison, Courlas, Patti,
Mann, & Muller, 1965). Table 1 summarizes major characteristics of couple therapy
*Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Barbara S. McCrady, Center on
Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions, University of New Mexico, 2650 Yale Blvd SE,
Albuquerque, NM 87106. E-mail:
Family Process, Vol. 55, No. 3, 2016 ©2016 Family Process Institute
doi: 10.1111/famp.12231
studies for AUDs (see also Table S1 for a complete listing of early treatment studies).
Many of these early approaches drew on psychodynamic principles, positing that marriage
to a man with an AUD represented a neurotic resolution of psychological conflicts by these
wives, and that therapy, therefore, should focus on the woman’s own psychological issues.
The application of family systems and behavioral models to the treatment of AUDs
began in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when clinicians began to report the use of conjoint
therapy for AUDs (e.g., Burton & Kaplan, 1968a). The earliest studies described family
system-based models with some cognitive-behavioral elements, and many reported com-
parisons of conjoint therapy to other approaches using nonrandomized groups (e.g., com-
paring outcomes for men in treatment whose wives did or did not participate in sessions).
Follow-ups varied widely in duratio n, from 6 to 39 months, and typically reported sub-
stantially more positive drinking outcomes for men whose wives participated in the treat-
ment than those who did not, as well as improvements in relationship functioning (Burton
& Kaplan, 1968a, 1968b; Gallant, Rich, Bey, & Terranova, 1970; Smith, 1967, 1969). By
the mid-1970s, descriptions of behavioral approaches to conjoint therapy for AUDs began
to appear in the literature, and controlled outcome studies of cognitive-behavioral
approaches began in the late 1970s (e.g., McCrady et al., 1986; O’Farrell, Cutter, & Floyd,
Conceptual Model
Alcohol-focused Behavioral Couple Therapy (ABCT) is a cognitive-behavioral treatment
model based on the assumption that multiple factors maintain the identified patient’s
(IP’s) drinking, including individual, dyadic, familial, and other social/environmental vari-
ables. The ABCT model assumes a reciprocal relation between drinking and relationship
functioning, and that interventions focused on both will be most effective. The model
assumes that (a) external antecedents to drinking have a lawful relation to drinking,
developed through repeated pairings with positive or negative reinforcers; (b) internal
physiological, cognitive, and affective states mediate the association between external
antecedents and drinking behavior; (c) expectancies about the reinforcing value of alcohol
play an important role in determining subsequent drinking behavior; (d) drinking is main-
tained by its more immediate, positive consequences, which may be physiological, psycho-
logical, or interpersonal; and (e) negative consequences of drinking tend to be delayed and
therefore have less impact on drinking behavior (see McCrady & Epstein, 2015) .
Interventions in ABCT focus on familial antecedents and consequences of drink ing.
Familial antecedents may include typical family celebrations or daily rituals as well as
familial attempts to influence the IP’s drinking. Families in which alcohol problems are
present often have evolved poor patterns of communication and problem solving and have
Major Characteristics of Couple Therapy Studies for Alcohol Use Disorders
Therapy type
Number of
Number of
outcome evaluated
and improved?
Yes No No diff.
Nonbehavioral couple treatment 12 565 19561982 4 7 1
Group treatment for wives only 4 159 19581969 4
Behavioral couples therapy 24 1,186 1985present 15 3 6

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