AICPA Videocourses for On-Site Group Training or Individual Self Study.

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AICPA Videocourses for On-Site Group Training or Individual Self Study; Authored/Moderated by Sidney Kess

Paying for College: Tax Strategies and Financial Aid

Sidney Kess, CPA, JD, LL.M., leads a team of tax, personal financial planning, and college funding specialists in providing guidance on 529 plans, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, and other college funding tax breaks as well as on the student financial aid process in order to enable practitioners to advise families and independent students. Prerequisite: None. Preliminary CPE credit (based on a 100-min. hour): 6. QAS credit: TBD. Level: Basic. Format: DVD/manual No. 181481CPA08; VHS/manual, No. 181480CPA08. $128 member/ $160 non-member. Additional manuals are available for group training.

The AMT for Individuals: Strategies to Escape Its Reach. Sidney Kess interviews tax and personal financial planning experts on why the AMT is...

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