Agents Council for Technology Announces Online Agency CX Self-Assessment.


* The Big "I" Agents Council for Technology has updated its Customer Experience (CX) lourney webpage to debut a free online independent agency CX self-assessment.

Agencies can now use the self-assessment tool to gain insights on ways to improve digital interactions with customers. The self-assessment asks a series of questions regarding technology touchpoints across consumers' insurance journey and provides a summary of improvement areas, as well as links to the ACT CX Journey website for best-in-class resources to implement the action steps.

"Now that an agency's digital presence is its new storefront, it's even more crucial that independent agencies ensure their customers can find them easily," says Ginny Winkworth, ACT program manager. "This online self-assessment helps Big T member agencies pinpoint how to help their clients access what they need when they need it. This really strengthens their ability to be a trusted advocate for insurance consumers by meeting them where they are."

The self-assessment tool is housed on the CX lourney page, along with detailed CX guides, resources, and options for independent agencies. This is just one of many tools and solutions ACT provides in its mission to provide a candid, action-oriented forum to propel technology solutions for independent agencies.

The Agents Council for Technology (ACT) was established in January 1999 by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (the Big "I") to provide a candid, action-oriented forum to address the critical workflow and technology issues facing the independent agency system. ACT helps participants understand the perspectives of the other stakeholders in the process and provides excellent networking opportunities with the participants who are shaping the future for the industry on these issues. ACT MEMBERS INCLUDE:


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