
AuthorAnderson, Tasha


* IEDC Annual Conference

October 4-7--Anchorage: The annual conference of the International Economic Development Council. Join economic developers from around the world to discuss the most important issues in economic development today: "Foundational Transformations: Creating Future Growth & Prosperity."

* Alaska Travel Industry Association Convention & Trade Show

October 5-8--Juneau: The 2015 "In Your Wildest Dreams" ATIA convention is for Alaska's tourism industry leaders with delegates from tour operators, wholesalers, Alaska vendors, destination marketing organizations, and elected officials.

* Alaska Recreation & Park Association Conference

October 7-10--Land's End, Homer: Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Alaska Recreation & Park Association as well as participate in the organization's annual conference,

* All-Alaska Medical Conference

October 8-10--Sheraton Anchorage Hotel and Spa, Anchorage: A continuing medical education conference put on by the Alaska Academy of Physicians Assistants, providing up to 25 CMEs.

* Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessness Conference

October 12-14--Anchorage: Events include keynote speakers and training sessions.

* AAHPA Annual Conference

October 12-15--Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage: This is the annual conference of the Alaska Association of Harbormasters & Port Administrators,

* Alaska Chamber Policy Forum and Conference

October 12-14--Westmark Fairbanks Hotel and Conference Center, Fairbanks: Open to the public, the Alaska Chamber's Annual Conference is the state's premier business conference. Traditionally held in the fall, the Conference draws 200 to 225 attendees and features keynote speakers, panel discussions, and breakout sessions on issues of statewide concern to Alaska business.

* Elders & Youth Conference

October 12-14--Dena'ina Center, Anchorage. This year's theme "Not in Our Smokehouse!" speaks to cherishing, protecting, reclaiming, and strengthening our Alaska Native Ways of Life, standing together as advocates for the well-being of our cultures, languages, lands, and our entire statewide community,

* Alaska Native Business Summit

October 14--UAA/APU Consortium Library, Anchorage. This first annual event is for participants to identify barriers and develop solutions and policy ideas to move the Alaska economy...

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