Agencies must standardize data labels.

AuthorSwartz, Nikki
PositionUP FRONT: News, Trends & Analysis

President Bush has ordered federal agencies to simplify the labels they use to organize sensitive but unclassified information. According to, the order requires agencies to adopt three standard labels in place of the more than 100 different markings they now use.

Government officials and lawmakers have expressed concern that an ad hoc proliferation of labels for handling sensitive data has hindered the sharing of terrorist-related information among federal agencies and state and local partners, reported. Own-government groups also have criticized the confusing categorization of sensitive information because they say it prevents proper disclosure of unclassified data.

Bush's order directs agencies to use the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) framework, which addresses the disclosure concerns of own-government groups and officials concerned with sharing data, said John Cohen, a spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's Program Manager of the Information Sharing Environment.

However, the directive's effectiveness will depend on how agencies apply it and how well the National Archives and Records Administration...

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