

Colorado is third in the nation in terms of aerospace employment, with more than 160,000 workers in the industry's ranks here. Considering California and Florida are ranked ahead, and Texas is ranked behind, it's clear Colorado is playing with the big boys in this industry.


But it's small companies that capture the imagination of Diane Dimeff, executive director of eSpace: The Center for Space Entrepreneurship in Boulder. She touts the hybrid propulsion technology of TIGON EnerTec, currently a client of eSpace's in-house incubator. "I'm really excited about it. It's kind of like a flying Prius."

Dimeff notes a worrisome trend in aerospace: an aging work force and no heir apparent. "The industry is very worried about it," she says. "They won't have the personnel to keep us competitive. Many companies are reaching out to colleges and universities with space-related programs." eSpace is in fact a collaborative effort of a private aerospace company--Sierra Nevada Corp.-- and the University of Colorado. "Especially the larger companies are reaching out to educate teachers on how to teach aerospace-related subjects and encourage students to study aerospace."

Also a hot topic: the commercialization of space transportation. "The whole issue of the commercialization of...

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