Advance Sheet. Can't Swim? The Jump Will Kill You

AuthorRobert E . Shapiro
Advance Sheet
Published in Litigation, Volume 47, Number 2, Winter 2021. © 2021 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be
copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association. 56
The author, an associate editor of Litigation, is with Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP,
Do easy cases make bad law? The more fa-
miliar refrain concerns hard cases, which
are usually seen as the real troublemak-
ers. It is a tribute to, but also a discourag-
ing feature of, the law’s complexity how
easy it is to get things wrong. Certainly,
it’s true that difficult cases pose an extra
challenge and can quickly bring on untow-
ard results and set bad precedent. Just like
lawyers who say they always win, judges
who claim never to have been daunted by
a tough problem are rare birds and are
probably not telling you the whole story
in any event. Hard cases haunt us all.
No one gets out of hard cases un-
scathed. The harder the case, the more
fraught the process and the less certain
the outcome, the greater the trap for even
the most hardworking decision-maker to
mistake or misunderstand the issue. Even
the winner sometimes gets uneven or
wobbly results. There can be lasting dam-
age not just to the reputation of the lawyer
and jurist alike but to the law itself. The
digests are full of derelict decisions that
parties are called upon to distinguish or
that the courts have had to discount later
or overrule. In some cases, the problem
of a poorly decided hard case is obvious
almost immediately. In others, the menace
just lies quietly around for decades before
causing serious mischief at a later date.
Every experienced litigator can recite his
or her own litany of such hard, and maybe
wrongly decided, cases that have bedev-
iled good results, disrupting or blocking
progress with bad precedent and leading
to errant decision-making in the “instant”
case as well.
At the highest level, the Supreme Court
has been responsible for more than one
such misadventure. Think, for example,
of the decisions of the “Old Men” of our
highest court during the New Deal. The
matters that came before them may not
seem like such hard cases now. But at the
time, they were viewed as such, and it’s
partly the sometimes dubious benefit of
hindsight that has made their errors (if
that is what they were) seem so obvious
now. The harm done to FDR’s reform pro-
gram was palpable.
Hard cases usually at least have the
virtue of alerting both the courts and the
parties that the matter requires heavy
lifting. Everyone can tell it’s a difficult
issue requiring skill, understanding, and
a broad perspective if it’s to be decided
correctly. Too-easy cases, on the other
hand, lack this inducement to good
judicial decision-making, and that can
have its consequences too.
The Supreme Court in the infamous
Corn Products case didn’t seem to have
much trouble closing a standard dodge
of the tax laws that had seriously disrupt-
ed the collection of internal revenue for
some time. Few questioned the propriety
of the ruling, at least at first. Only over
time did it become obvious that by doing
as it did—with relative ease (if not non-
chalance)—the Court provided the basis
for one of the largest tax loopholes ever
to have frustrated the tax collectors. One
of the risks in the “easy” case scenario is

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