Adoption of the UN Global Compact in Spanish banking: a case study

Published date01 November 2016
Date01 November 2016
Academic Paper
Adoption of the UN Global Compact in
Spanish banking: a case study
Ainhoa Garayar
*, Iñaki Heras-Saizarbitoria
and Olivier Boiral
Financial Economy I, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, DonostiaSan Sebastián, Spain
Department of Management, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, DonostiaSan Sebastián, Spain
Département de Management, Faculté des sciences de ladministration, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
The aim of this work is to analyse the process involving adoption of a corporate social responsibility initiativethe
United Nations Global Compactin a Spanish nancial institution. Semi-structured interviews were conducted for
such purpose with managers, workers and customers from this organisation. From the analysis carried out, it can
be ascertained that only professionals from the speciceld of corporate social responsibility in the organisation being
analysed have suitable knowledge about the initiative adopted, while the other professionals are practically unaware
of iteven among professionals such as accountants who should clearly have suitable knowledge about the subject in
order to draft sustainability reports. As a result, the research also provides evidence about the ceremonial adoption of
the United Nations Global Compact, highlighting the internal friction existing within an organisation that until very
recently stood out in the Spanish banking sector for the amount of externally obtained awards in recognition of its
sustainability practices. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Despite the rapid growth experienced duringthe rst
decade of the 21stcentury in the number of organisa-
tions that imple mented systems and codes regarding
socially responsible conduct (Rasche, 2009), knowl-
edge about the reasons that foster these practices
remains limited (Jamali, 2010). This work focuses on
an analysis and study of the implementation process
for one of these initiatives: the United Nations Global
Compact (UNGC). This is, by a considerable margin,
the voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR)
proposal that is most widespread around the world
(Kell, 2013; Rasche, Waddock, & McIntosh, 2012;
Ruggie, 2004b). Spanish organisations have been the
ones that havebeen most active in adoptingit interna-
tionally, althoughonly few studies have thus far been
conducted with a view to analysing this phenomenon,
except for those by Ayuso and Roca (2010), Arevalo,
Aravind, Ayuso, and Roca (2013) and Garayar and
Calvo (2012).
The aim of this articleis to shed light on the UNGC
implementation process in a Spanishnancial institu-
tiona case thatwas selected for several reasons. Ac-
cording to Monitor IBEX RSC, which published its
ndings in KPMG, this organisation stood out for its
corporate social responsibility practices (KPMG,
2011). It had also obtained major awards (Best Span-
ish CSR solutionat the rst CSR MarketPlace,
organised by Forética), and its social responsibility
report had been bestowed the Award for the Best
Sustainability Report among Spanish Companies
awarded by the Spanish Institute of Licensed
Auditors (ICJCE) and the Spanish Association of
Accounting and Business Administration. Lastly, it
enjoyed the status of organisation associated with
the Global Compact (GC) as a founding partner of
the initiative, which implied great motivation in the
implementation of the Ten Principles.
The work is structured as follows. Following this
introduction, the second section analyses the United
*Correspondence to: Ainhoa Garayar, Financial Economy I,
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Plaza Oñati n°1,
DonostiaSan Sebastián, 20018, Spain.
Journal of Public Affairs
Volume 16 Number 4 pp 359367 (2016)
Published online 1 February 2016 in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/pa.1596
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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