Activities of the Green Party of New Jersey.

AuthorHoffman, Madelyn

Greens in New Jersey are actively bridging the gap between grass roots organizing efforts and electoral work. Synthesis/Regeneration 21 published an article describing the Green Party of New Jersey's (GPNJ) work against police brutality. No other political party in our state comes close to showing the courage to take a strong political position on this issue together with those who are victimized by police brutality.

The anti-police brutality work continues in earnest, but there are other areas in which NJ Greens are busy. The ability to count on the Greens for support at rallies and public hearings can only help the challenging long-term effort to persuade activists that support for the Green Party at election time will promote their cause. It places Greens in the middle of extremely important political issues with an opportunity to affect their outcome.

GPNJ Forms "Green Campaign 2000"

In anticipation of a Green Party presidential campaign, GPNJ is conducting a petition drive to place Ralph Nader's name on the ballot. While other candidates are being considered at the national level, the NJ Greens decided to endorse a Nader candidacy. On Sunday, January 30, Green Campaign 2000 organized its own "Super Sunday," sending out teams of activists to gather the required 800 valid signatures. Since New Jersey's requirements for placing Nader's name on the ballot are easier than most states, the NJ Green Party is determined to be first to accomplish this task.

In addition, the Greens are hoping to field congressional candidates in as many of New Jersey's 13 districts as possible, and discussions are ongoing regarding entering the race for US Senate to fill the vacancy created by the announced retirement of Frank Lautenberg. One important consideration motivating this is the fact that in New Jersey the presence of three federal-level candidates (President/Senate/Congress) in a congressional district gives a minor party the opportunity to have their own line on the ballot in those districts. We are also encouraging candidates to run as Greens at the local level, buoyed by the statewide races. This year, for the first time, NJ Greens are hoping to make their presence felt on the national, state and local levels.

GPNJ Works with Other Independent Political Parties

The Green Party is a plaintiff in a lawsuit filed by the Council of Alternative Political Parties (CAPP) in New Jersey. If successful, this lawsuit will allow New Jersey voters to register...

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