
LibraryAlzheimer's and the Practice of Law: Counseling Clients with Dementia and Their Families (ABA) (2013 Ed.)


We are very excited to share this book with you. We had you in mind from the beginning. Our primary goal was to create a book that will be read by, be applied by, and be helpful to attorneys working with persons with dementia and their families. That is why we, as your fellow practicing attorneys, agreed to fit this project into our lives.

We acknowledge you! You are the counselors at law who spend 60 to 80 hours working per week. You have a spouse or significant other who wishes that you would just say no to the endless lists of things that you agree to do. You are the leaders who must meet a payroll; woo clients; go to court; attend funerals, weddings and bar mitzvahs—and still see your kids' or grandkids' soccer games.

We, Kerry and Rick, really want to thank our own devoted sweethearts, Hillary Peck and Rose Law. They have put up with us for a long time. We know we do a lot of things that make you roll your eyes, but we admit that you bring out the best in us!

This book would not be possible without the sacrifices of the legal teams at both Peck Bloom, LLC and Law ElderLaw, LLP. Our teams supported us both personally and financially in the creation of this book.

This book idea originated with the American Bar Association. ABA editor Erin Nevius brought the concept to Kerry Peck. Once Kerry got inspired, he asked Rick Law to "help out." As lawyers who practice law alongside our adult lawyer children, we did use a little parental encouragement to enlist Brandon Peck, Esq. and Diana Law, Esq. to become contributors. Together we got the project rolling.

From the start, we knew that you should hear from the many voices of insight and...

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