Achieving happiness in dual-career marriages.

PositionYour Life - Brief Article

Working couples are happier with their marriages if they are satisfied with their lifestyle choice, a Ball State University, Muncie, Ind., study revealed. The finding is based on a survey of 52 men and 55 women in dual-career marriages looking at factors influencing marital quality.

According to Kristin Perrone, a counseling psychology professor, higher income and greater amounts of social support contribute to greater satisfaction with the dual-career lifestyle, and in turn, greater marital satisfaction. "So many times we hear about dual-career couples who never see each other or talk to each other because of their work commitments. I think people can have a successful career and a good marriage if they are committed to both. There is hope for dual-career couples to find satisfaction in all aspects of their lives."

When a husband and wife cooperate, using coping strategies and dividing work equitably, they appear to be more satisfied with their combination of roles and the...

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