The Marketing Accountability Imperative: A Roadmap to More Effective Marketing Spending.

AuthorMarshall, Jeffrey
PositionBrief article - Book review

The Marketing Accountability Imperative: A Roadmap to More Effective Marketing Spending. By Michael Dunn and Chris Halsall. Jossey-Bass, 454 pages. $39.95.

It's practically a default setting in the corporate world that CFOs and CEOs question the value of their marketing efforts. There's a resultant focus on accountability, which the authors find is too often viewed as simply assessing the return on investment of marketing dollars.

Indeed, in this lengthy and idea-crammed book, Dunn--the CEO of global consultancy Prophet--and company colleague Halsall make a case for a much more holistic view of marketing decisions. They extend the classic "marketing budget," made up largely of advertising and promotions, to include public relations, Web efforts, customer-service spending and the resources given to relationship managers and sales incentives.


All of these investments take time to build, and put the chief marketing officer (CMO) under the gun. Since solid...

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