About the Author

AuthorJack Zuckerman
JACK ZUCKERMAN is a founding partner of
White, Zuckerma n, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt,
LLP who are Certied P ublic Accountants w ith
ofces in Los A ngeles and Irv ine, Californ ia. He
received his u ndergraduate deg ree from the City
College of the City University of New York and his
J.D. from Southwestern University Sc hool of Law.
Mr. Zuckerman authored a chapter in the 1999
Los Angeles Bar Asso ciation Family Law Sympo-
sium titled “Interpret ing Business Tax Returns for
Family Law Purpos es.” He has also co-authored
the books Understanding B usiness Tax Returns, A
Lawyers Handbook (1998-American Bar Associa-
tion and 2009-Ameri can Bar Association), and the
1996 edition, 2003, 2008 and 2014 updates of The
1040 Handbook . In addition, Mr. Zuckerman has
co-edit ed the book California Community Property
with Tax Analysis (Matthew Bender), coauthored
the articles “Leg al Tender” (Appraising Interests
in Law Practice s, Los Angeles Lawyer, May 1995),
and co-authored a chapter in t he 1994 and 1995
Los Angeles Bar Asso ciation Family Law Sympo-
sium titled “Tracing and Its Application in Fami ly
Law.” He has lectured fre quently on the subjects of
valuation of assets in divorce a nd tax strategies in
divorce. Mr. Zuckerman is accre dited in business
valuation by the Americ an Institute of Cert ied
Public Accountants. Mr. Zuckerman h as served as
an expert forensic acc ounting witness si nce 1980
and testied i n court on more than 250 occasions.

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