Abolitionist Beaten Senseless on Senate Floor

AuthorAllen Pusey
Abolitionist Beaten Senseless on Senate Floor
On the afternoon of May 22, 1856, Massachusetts Sen. Charles Sumner was sitting at his desk in
the U.S. Senate chambers when a large, nearly apparitional fi gure appeared behind him. A startled
Sumner turned to look when he was struck in the head with the handle of a gutta-percha walking stick.
His seat and desk bolted to the fl oor, Sumner
was unable to right him self as the cane struck
again and again—as m any as 30 times before
the attacker was fi nally p ersuaded to pull away
from his blood-spattered v ictim.
As the attack ended , the assailant bent over,
casually plucking up the cre sted gold handle
that lay among the splintered remain s of the
cane on the Capitol fl oor.
Sumner’s assailant wa s Preston Brooks, a House
member from South Carolina—a Democrat w ith a
reputation for violence. Brooks had ta ken o ense to
insults sallied a gainst his distant cousin, Sen . Andrew
Butler of South Carolina, in a fi ve-hour speech deliver ed
earlier in the week from the Senat e fl oor.
Several onlookers tr ying to intercede were held back
by Brooks’ supporters. Brooks lef t the fl oor unmolested
but later presented himself to aut horities and agreed to
pay a $300 fi ne.
Reaction to the att ack was provincial and complicated.
Despite nearly killi ng a defenseless man, Brooks was
hailed as a hero in the South. In t he North, Sumner was
character ized as a martyr. The muted o cia l response
refl ec ted Congress’ inability to ag ree on anything when
it came to slavery. A hastily convened Sen ate select com-
mittee concluded the obvious: Brooks did indeed “as sault
[Sumner] with considerable violence,” but no Senate rules
were available to punish him. A lthough the House failed
to pass a resolution expell ing the congressman, Brooks
Brooks returned home unrep entant. He later wrote to
his brother: “Every lick went where I intended. For about
the fi r st fi ve or six licks, he o ered to make fi ght. But I
plied him so rapidly that he did not touch me. Towards
the last, he bellowed like a c alf.”
In the North, Sumner was not un iversally popular.
Those who shared his view were s ometimes
uncomfortable with h is strident rhetoric. He
wasn’t simply anti-slavery but a determi ned
enemy of racial laws. For that, he was c on-
demned by Sen. Stephen A. Douglas of Il linois
as a champion for “the cause of nigger ism.
Although Brooks envisioned hi mself as
chivalrous (hi s need for the walking stick grew
from one of two earlier duels), he saw Sumner
as a race and cla ss traitor unworthy of a confl ict of equals,
deserving only the k ind of beating a master might deliver
to an unruly slave. Su mner viewed those such as Brooks
and Butler as brutish, pretentious pur veyors of a culture
whose sole source of existence wa s perpetual violence.
That cultural cha sm grew deeper as the territories
of Kansas and Nebra ska were settled, sparking a strugg le
for their future as slave st ates or free states. Sumner’s
newly founded Republican Party w ished to contain
slavery in states where it a lready existed or eradicate
it completely. Democrats wanted to let the new stat es
decide for themselves.
The speech to which Brooks took o ense, “The Cr ime
Against Ka nsas,” denounced the role Butler and Douglas
had played in the compromise that led to ongoing vio -
lence between pro-slaver y and anti-slavery settlers in the
territory. The day before the Sumner a ssault, pro-slavery
raiders looted the anti-slaver y township of Lawrence. And
three days af ter the caning, abolitionist John Brown led a
raid that killed fi ve pro-slavery r esidents of Pottawatomie
Brooks was re-elec ted to Congress a few months after
his summer resignation. He died in Januar y 1857 at age
37. Sumner returned to the Senate af ter 18 months and
served until his dea th in 1874. The violence reached a
crescendo during the Civ il War, but the chasm between
their cultures conti nues to this day.
72 || ABA JOURNAL MAY 2018
Precedents || By Allen Pusey
May 22, 1856
Sen. Charles Sumner

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