ABA posts free communications toolbox for bank members.

PositionABA RESOURCES - American Bankers Association - Brief article

ABA HAS POSTED ONLINE AT ABA.COM a new, free, bank-members-only toolbox to help bankers promote the good they do in their communities.

There isn't a banker in this country who isn't troubled by the criticism that our industry receives ...," says Matt Williams, Gothenburg State Bank in Gothenburg, Neb., and Bick Weis-senrieder, Hocking Valley Bank in Athens, Ohio, in the toolbox's introduction. "Our real challenge is that customers, neighbors, family and friends, reporters, policymakers and even our staff members may not be well informed about all we do to contribute to the success and growth of our communities."


To address that challenge, ABA's Proud to Be a Banker Task Force--appointed by association Chairman Steve Wilson and co-chaired by Williams and Weissenriedcr--commissioned a resources toolbox to help bankers educate and strengthen relationships with key audiences. Materials include, among other things:

* A sample CEO letter to employees.

* An outline for a bank...

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