AuthorMark Thompson/Elizabeth Smith
Retired Judges
946Kaiser California Judge Reviews
KAISER, E. [Erik] Michael
Interviewees seem to appreciate Judge Kaiser’s positive
courtroom demeanor. They said, “He’s friendly and profes-
sional,” “He’s calm and deliberate” and “Judge Kaiser is
friendly.” Others basically agreed and opined, “[His tempera-
ment is] very pleasant and professional” and “It’s excellent.”
Interviewees seem impressed with Judge Kaiser’s legal
acumen. Almost all of them described it as either “excellent”
or “above average.” One of them added, “He’s one of the fin-
est civil trial judges in Riverside County.” One final litigator
said, “Judge Kaiser is really sharp.”
On Motions
Most interviewees said Judge Kaiser’s courtroom manage-
ment style is somewhat professional or formal. Their exact
comments included: “It’s very professional,” “It’s somewhat
formal” and “It’s between formal and relaxed.” One final
lawyer expressed a slightly different perspective when he
opined, “Judge Kaiser’s style is somewhat relaxed.” All of
the attorneys said this jurist interacts politely with all who
appear in his courtroom. They also said that Judge Kaiser
usually takes the bench on time. In fact, one litigator said,
“He’s very punctual.”
On Trial
Every interviewee said Judge Kaiser listens closely to attor-
neys’ arguments and keeps an open mind. Two of them added,
“He’ll ask good questions” and “He reads everything you sub-
mit to him.” All of the lawyers interviewed said Judge Kaiser’s
courtroom atmosphere is either “professional” or “comfort-
able.” Although one litigator said Judge Kaiser moves cases at
an “average” pace, most of the others said he moves matters
“faster” than his peers. The latter added that you usually get
enough time to try your case. The interviewees who had done
jury trials with Judge Kaiser said he interacts well with jurors.
In fact, one of them said, “He makes it a very enjoyable experi-
ence for them.” Lawyers also said Judge Kaiser stays reason-
ably open to requests for special jury instructions.
Several interviewees said Judge Kaiser is “more likely” to
grant a continuance than his peers. Others opined, “He’s
reasonable about granting them.” One final lawyer said,
“It depends on Judge Kaiser’s calendar and whether or not
granting one will create an undue burden on the court.”
A majority of the interviewees said Judge Kaiser is “proac-
tive and has strong negotiating skills.” The remaining attor-
neys said this jurist has “excellent” skills. One of the latter
added that Judge Kaiser “will help if asked.”
Interviewees seem quite impressed with Judge Kaiser’s
overall neutrality. Most of them either opined, “He’s impar-
tial” or “He’s very fair.” One said, “He’s usually fair. Judge
Kaiser tries to rule in a way that will help him avoid being
reversed on appeal.”
Additional comments include: “Judge Kaiser treats you
like a professional and expects you to act like one.”
Interviewees gave Judge Kaiser high marks for his impartial-
ity, courtroom mien, strong legal knowledge and ability to
move his calendar at an efficient pace. (04H)
Attorneys gave Judge Kalustian’s personality mixed
reviews, saying, “He is nice and gracious.” “He is informal.”
“He is very courteous.” “Cowboy mentality.” “He is not cour-
teous.” “He has never done anything in private law practice.
He doesn’t understand lawyers.” “He is an ex-D.A.” “He is
somewhat impatient.” “He is a nice guy. He is a former pre-
siding judge.”
Attorneys do agree that Judge Kalustian is an intel-
ligent, scholarly, and knowledgeable man who undertakes
to continually increase his knowledge. “He is intelligent. He
researches the law.” “He is very smart.” “He is smart, espe-
cially in evidence.” “He is an expert in evidence.”
On Motions
This jurist is reportedly at least average in law and
motion. He is punctual, prepared and interested in the day’s
business. He starts hearings “very much on time.” “He reads
the papers.” Judge Kalustian conducts hearings on motion
at a pace which is comfortable for the attorneys. He report-
edly “allows counsel to talk.” He is known to be “very strict
about following law and procedure.” “His rulings were okay.”
“Decisions were not off-the-wall.” “He is middle of the road
as far as being afraid of being reversed.”
On Trial
Attorneys generally spoke highly of this jurist’s ability
to run a trial. One plaintiff’s attorney cautioned that he
believed the judge moves the proceedings along too quickly,
warning that counsel “better have all the witnesses ready
in the hall for all trials.” However, most attorneys said that
Judge Kalustian does not interfere with their ability to try
their cases. “Allows both sides to do their work.” “Allows the
attorneys to try the case and not help.” “He is lenient in voir
dire. You can get away with a lot.” Attorneys polled reported
that this judge is widely known for being “an expert in evi-
dence.” “He listens to evidence.” “He is good on evidence.”
“Excellent in evidence rulings.”
Judge Kalustian has a fairly good reputation for his settle-
ment skills. “In the area of settlement he is fair.” “He is good
on settlement.” “He does try to settle. In criminal cases, he
is good with settlement.”
There were no attorneys interviewed who had seen
this judge grant a continuance. They all said that Judge
Kalustian “doesn’t grant continuances.” “No. He does not
allow continuances.”
In civil cases, neither plaintiff nor defense counsel detect
any bias. “He is unbiased.” “No real biases.” “He is generally
fair.” “He is a fair judge.” In criminal cases, one attorney
reported that he believed Judge Kalustian to be sympathetic
to the prosecution. “He is pro-prosecution. If it is a close call
he will call it for the prosecution. He can hammer you if you
lose the case. He will really sentence your client. If he thinks
the offer of the prosecution is too good an offer and too
light of a sentence, that won’t help in sentencing if you lose
the case. He still will give out stiff sentences.” One female
plaintiff attorney reported thinking that this judge is biased
against female attorneys. “You don’t want to be in front of
him if you are a female attorney.”
Tread lightly if you are a female attorney. See to it that
you have your witnesses ready for testimony. Follow the evi-
dence rules carefully. This is not the friendliest court for a
criminal defendant for either trial or sentencing. (01Z)
KAMANSKY, Craig Stephen
Most interviewees shared positive comments about Judge
Kamansky’s demeanor. They said, “He’s personable,” “Judge
Kamansky is friendly,” “[His temperament is] good, even-
handed,” “It’s very informal and relaxed” and “His demeanor
is good but he’s a bit wordy.”
A majority of the interviewees said Judge Kamansky’s
legal acumen is “above average.” Others opined, “It’s very
good” and “It’s average.”
CJ_Volume_2.indb 946CJ_Volume_2.indb 946 9/5/2014 12:48:17 PM9/5/2014 12:48:17 PM

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