AuthorElizabeth Smith/Mark Thompson
Justice, Twelfth Judicial District Supreme
Court, Bronx County
Judge, Criminal Court, New York City
Address: Bronx Hall of Justice
265 East 161st Street
Bronx, NY 10451
Phone: (718) 618-3673
Fax: (718) 618-3588
Every contacted attorney complimented
Judge Iacovetta’s demeanor. Two of them
said it is “good,” while others opined, “He’s
even-tempered,” “He’s very quiet,” “He’s
intense and dedicated” and “He’s got an
evenhanded temperament.”
According to interviewees, Judge Iacovetta’s
legal knowledge is strong, and he does a good
job managing his courtroom. “He’s brilliant
and does an efficient job. He runs his court-
room in a rather strict manner.” “His knowl-
edge of the law is good, and he’s well prepared.
I’d say he does an efficient job.” “He runs his
courtroom in a relaxed manner and is well pre-
pared.” “He bends over backwards to make
everyone comfortable. His courtroom is run in
a very relaxed manner.” “His legal knowledge is
above average, and he tries to get a lot done.
His courtroom is relaxed during calendar call
and very formal during trial.”
Judge Iacovetta received high marks here
as well. Interviewees said, “He’s always well
prepared and knows how to move cases.
[There’s a] comfortable atmosphere in his
courtroom,” “He’s basically open minded to
attorney arguments and cases move through
his court at a smooth pace. It’s a comfortable
place to appear” and “He keeps an open mind
when you’re presenting your case. Cases
move through his courtroom at about an
average pace. I feel comfortable when appear-
ing before him.” Two other lawyers added
their praise. “He really listens to counsel. The
courtroom atmosphere is professional yet
friendly. Cases move at a nice pace” and “He
keeps an open mind and cases move at an
average pace. Sometimes, they move a bit
slower just because he’s so careful about
[doing] everything [right].”
Interviewees seem to hold mixed opin-
ions about Judge Iacovetta’s settlement and
negotiating skills. Several attorneys noted
that trial judges like Iacovetta rarely have
to get involved in this area once cases reach
them. Nevertheless, they said this judge’s
skills are “good” and that this jurist is “very
evenhanded” and “very proactive.” Others
offered more measured comments. “[His
settlement skills are] average,” and “He
doesn’t get involved in this area.”
Two interviewees said your chances of
obtaining an adjournment for good cause from
Judge Iacovetta are “about average” and
“okay.” Others were a bit more optimistic and
said, “He’s reasonable about granting adjourn-
ments,” “Not a problem if you’ve got good
cause” and “He’ll grant one for good cause.”
Every lawyer interviewed expressed grati-
tude for Judge Iacovetta’s neutrality. They
said, “He’s right down the middle,” “He’s
fair,” “He’s got a good reputation for fairness
to both sides,” “He’s fair-minded and basical-
ly neutral” and “He’s good—very fair.”
Judge Iacovetta received high praise for
nearly every pertinent skill or trait. Lawyers
respect his fairness, pleasant demeanor and
ability to handle trials efficiently.
Judge, Second Judicial District Supreme
Court, Kings County
Appointment/Election: Appointed by
Governor George E. Pataki in 2003 to New
York State Court of Claims.
Previous Experience: Judge, Supreme
Court, Bronx, New York, 2003-2004; Judge,
Court of Claims; Commissioner, Board of
Commissioners of Pilots of the State of New
York, 1989-1995; Private practice, Healy and
Baillie, LLP, New York, New York, 1996-2003,
Profiles Ingram 447

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