Editor's Corner, 1121 ALBJ, Vol. 82 No. 6 Pg. 410 (November, 2021)

PositionVol. 82 6 Pg. 410


No. Vol. 82 No. 6 Pg. 410

Alabama Bar Lawyer

November, 2021

Terri Lovell

W. Gregory Ward

wgward® mindspring .com

Welcome to the Alabama Supreme Court edition of The Alabama Lawyer. If you remember, our last issue was about the solo and small firms. When someone saw that the next edition was about the Alabama Supreme Court, they told me that we'd gone from one extreme to the other.

Not so.

Even though our bar largely consists of solo practitioners and small firms, the decisions of the Alabama Supreme Court impact us all just the same. We should all do all we can to understand its working and how to deal with it. To that end, this issue.

We are honored that Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Parker wrote our introduction (page 413). He reminds us that the court has a goal of equipping and assisting us to practice before it by helping us understand the rules that must be followed and the pitfalls to watch out for. Those are all worthy goals.

We have articles by two justices.

The first is by Justice Will Sellers (page 413). First, some inside baseball: Not only did his article come to me well-written, but I took careful note of the excellent job he did with signals. You remember signals: when you cite a case you can introduce it with one or two words that tell everyone why you are mentioning that case. For example, See; See also; Cf.; E.g.; Contra. And while signals may not be as exciting as a field goal attempt in a championship game with three seconds on the clock, they are important. There are a bunch of them, and by my careful and precise count, Justice Sellers uses a bunch of them. When is the last time you used Butcf.?

But more to the point, his article reminds us of some important things. He tells us how long we have to file an appeal (not just a simple number, it also requires you to know when the tock begins ticking and why). He points out that there are several appellate avenues besides a direct...

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