Editor's Corner, 0521 ALBJ, Vol. 82 No. 2 Pg. 170 (June, 2021)

AuthorW. Gregory Ward
PositionVol. 82 2 Pg. 170


No. Vol. 82 No. 2 Pg. 170

Alabama Bar Lawyer

May, 2021

The Domestic Relations Issue

W. Gregory Ward

I've always felt that few areas of the law require the finesse and careful touch of a skilled and informed lawyer more than domestic relations. Money judgments come and go, property passes between people quickly, but the foundations of our society-our marriages, especially when children are involved-deal with fundamental issues.

Beverlye Brady and Elaine Thomaston are two of our best domestic law practitioners. When I have questions, their telephones ring. So, when I was looking for someone to help put together an edition dedicated to domestic relations law, I called.

I gave them the same task I give everyone who works on an article for us-l asked them to find article that would: a) help an actual Alabama lawyer in their law practice, and b) make sure the articles are written so lawyers want to read it.

They jumped in with both feet. Here is what they came up with.

Stephanie Pollard wins the award for best title. And the substance of her article "Coloring Outside the (Child Support Guide) Lines"is as good as her title. I came away with some good pointers, and some interesting ways of looking at things (page 172).

Charles Dunn favored us with his unique perspective. Instead of focusing on one topic, he presented us with a salmagundi (yeah, I threw that word in) of topics, all under the rubric of did you know? I enjoyed his creative approach, and I think his overview will be well worth the time it takes to read his fine words (page 176).

Anna Sparks took the opposite approach. She sent in an article with a laser-like focus on parenting plans-what they are, how to come up with them, the obstacles that so easily beset them, and how they can be used to make things easier. Not only that, but she suggests a book from the Alabama Law Institute and some websites that might be just the ticket to keeping your clients on track with their lives, and out of the courtroom. Practical stuff, that (page 180).

Likewise, Caleb Faulkner helps us know how to register foreign divorce judgments. He shows...

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