AuthorBruce R. Hopkins
ProfessionLeading authority on the law of tax-exempt organizations
The acronym “UBIT” is frequently used to refer to the unrelated businessincome tax.
The acronym “UBTI”is frequently used to refer to unrelated business taxable income.
ultra vires
The words “ultra vires” are Latin for “outside of.” The term is usually applied to dene an act
that is beyond the authority (as dened in its articles of organization)ofanorganization
(most frequently a corporation) to undertake. Thus, an act that is outside of an organ ization’s
to be void. [CU Q 1.29; RE Q 1.20; LI Q 1.35].
unagreed case
Among the situations in which a tax-exempt organizationexamination case will be closed is
the “unagreed case,” in which the exempt organizationhas not signed the appropriate waiver
and acceptance forms or has not corrected ay acts or failuresto act t hatgive rise to any excise
taxes applicable t o it. [AU §5.32(a)].
The term “underpayment” means the amount by which a tax imposed by the federal tax law
exceeds the excess of (1) the sum of (a) the amount shown as the tax by the taxpayer on his,
her, or its taxreturn, plus (b ) amounts not so shown previously assessed (or collected without
assessment), over (2) the amount of rebates (such as an abatement,credit,refund,orother
repayment) made (IRC §6664(a)). [CG §10.14].
Forpurposesoftheaccuracy-related penalties and the tax fraud penalty, the word “under-
statement” means the excess of the amountof the tax required to be shown on a tax return for
atax year overtheamountofthetaximposedthatisshownonthetaxreturn,reducedbyany
Bruce R. Hopkins’ Nonprot Law Dictionary, First Edition. Bruce R. Hopkins.
©2015 Bruce R. Hopkins. Published 2015 by John Wiley& S ons,Inc.

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