Author | Bruce R. Hopkins |
Profession | Leading authority on the law of tax-exempt organizations |
Pages | 238-255 |
labor organization
A “labor organization” is a form of tax-exempt organization under the federal tax law (IRC
§§ 501(a), 501(c)(5)). The general exempt purpose of a labor organization is the betterment of
the conditions of thos e who are employees (usually its members)inaparticulartrade or busi-
ness. Thus, a labor organization b asically is an association of workers who have combined to
protect or promotet he interestsof its members by bargaining collectively with their employer
to secure better working conditions, wages, and similar benets. Labor organizations princi-
pally are labor unions and councils; they also includ e labor temples, organizations created by
a collective bargaining agreement, and organizations that publish newspapers and magazines
in the labor eld. [EO §§ 16.1, 24.5(f); AS §1.6(c); PF §§ 1.6, 15.9; FR §5.18(b)(iv); AR §
3.1(e)(2); AU §7.1(k); UB §9.5; SM p. 41; LI Q 1.50].
last-in, rst-out method
The “last-in, rst-out method” is a method used by a business for tracking its inventory.This
method (often referred to as LIFO) assumes that the items of inventory last purchased are the
rst sold. This method has ramications for the way in which the inventoryis va lued.Sincethe
most recently purchased items of inventory are considered to be the rst items sold, the eects
of ination (rising market prices) or deation (falling market prices) are minimized. [CG §§
2.13, 9.3(f)].
last will and testament
See Will.
laundry services, for hospitals
Atax-exempt hospital can provide laundry services for itself without adverse tax law con-
sequences, inasmuch as clean laundry is integral to the promotion of health.If,however,an
exempt hospital provideslaundr y services for one or moreother organizations (tax-exempt or
not), the activity is consideredan unrelated trade or business.Anonprot organization that
has as its purposes the provision of laundry services to tax-exempt hospitals cannot qualify as
acharitable organization.An organization thatprovides laundry ser vices to exempthospitals
Bruce R. Hopkins’ Nonprot Law Dictionary, First Edition. Bruce R. Hopkins.
©2015 Bruce R. Hopkins. Published 2015 by John Wiley& S ons,Inc.
cannot qualify as a cooperative hospital service organization.[EO§§ 11.4, 24.5(b); HC §§
1.5, 17.1, 24.16].
The “law” on a particular subjectis a set of rules governing human conduct. When the word is
used, it most often is a reference to laws enacted by a legislature,intheformofstatutes.The
word law, however, also encompasses administrative law and law made by the courts. As to
the federal tax l aw, the law (having precedential value) cons ists of provisions of the IRC,tax
regulations,revenue r ulings,revenue procedures, and court opinions.
Thisconceptisrelevantinthenonprot organizations context, in that the term legisla-
tion is a derivative of the word “law”; there are limitationson the ability of certain tax-exempt
organizations,particularlycharitableone s, to act to inuence the development of legislation.
Thus, if an activity of a legislative bo dy does not involve the writing of legislation, the activity
presumably is not lobbying.ItistheviewoftheIRS, however, that an attempt to inuence the
conrmation, by the U.S. Senate,of a presidential nominee constitutes, for these purposes, an
attempt to inuence legi slation; this position is base d upon the denition of the term “leg isla-
tion”found in the expenditure test.[EO§22.2; SM pp. 187–188].
law, sources of
For nonprot organizations, the sources of the law are manifold. These include t he U.S.
Congress, statelegislatures,fed eral and state administrative agencies (includingthe IRS), and
court decisions. The result is a battery of statutes,regulations,rules, and court opinions. Other
items, such as revenue ruli ngs,revenue procedures, and forms and instructions to them, are
not formally law. [EO App. A].
law rms, public interest
See Public interest law rms.
A “lawsuit”is a proceeding initiated in a court whereone or more personsseekaremedy,recog-
nized in the law, against one or more other pers ons. (also Declaratory judgment;Defendant;
A “lawyer” is an individual who is licensed to practice law in one or more states. Generally,
the role of a lawyer is to advise persons as to applicability of laws, and provide services to
them to assist them in planning in connection with,and complying with, the law. A lawyer in
private practice is an independent contractor and a lawyer that is in-house is an employee.
[SM pp. 26–27, 30; FR §2.4; CU Q 1.48, Q 1.49; RE Q 1.5–Q 1.7; LI Q 1.57, Q 5.49] (also
Attorne y;Power of attorney).
lead period
The term “lead period” is used in the context of split-interest trusts.Itistheperiodoftime
represented by the rst of the two interests (income interest or remainder interest)inthe
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