AuthorBruce R. Hopkins
ProfessionLeading authority on the law of tax-exempt organizations
key employee
For purpos es of Form 990 reporting, a “ke y employee” of a tax-exempt organization is an
employee of the organization (other than a trustee,director,orocer) who meets the fol-
lowing three tests applied in the following order: the $150,000 test,theresponsibility test,
and the top20test. [AR §6.1(a)(1); GV §2.3; PF §4.3; CU Q 7.3, Q 7.4; PG pp. 17, 193; LI Q
6.3, Q 6.4].
A “kickback” is a paymentby a provider of goods and/or services to an agent purchasing them ,
based on some prearranged portion of the purchase price, as an inducement to the agent to
participate in the transaction. (also Administrative allowance).
In certain c ircumstanc es, an initial tax can be imposed on theparticipation of a foundation
manager in an act of self-dealing when the manager acted while “knowing” that the act was
self-dealing (IRC §4941(a)(2)). To satisfy the requirement of “knowing” in this setting, the
manager must (1) have actual knowledge of sucientfacts s o that,bas ed solely ont hose facts,
the transaction would be an act of self-dealing; (2) be aware that this act may violate the self-
dealing rules; and (3) negligently fail to make reasonable attempts to ascertain w hether the
transaction is art act of self-dealing or he or she is, in fact, aware that it is this type of an act.
The term “knowing” does not mean “having reason toknow.”Evidence tending to show that
an individual has reason to know of a particular factor or particular rule, however,is ir relevant
in determining whether he or she had actual knowledge of that fact or rule. Similar concepts
apply in connection with the jeopardizing investment and excess business holdings rules.
In the public charity context, the “knowing” standard applies in connection with the inter-
mediate sanctions rules and the tax regimes pertaining to excessive lobbying expenditures
and political campaign expenditures.[PF§§ 5.15(d), 5.15(e), 8.5(a), 8.5(b), 9.10(a); EO §§
21.12(b), 21.12(c), 22.4, 23.3; LI Q 4.63, Q 5.48].
Bruce R. Hopkins’ Nonprot Law Dictionary, First Edition. Bruce R. Hopkins.
©2015 Bruce R. Hopkins. Published 2015 by John Wiley& S ons,Inc.

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