AuthorBruce R. Hopkins
ProfessionLeading authority on the law of tax-exempt organizations
B corporation
Despite the name, the “B corporation”is not a legal form of entity but is a busi ness corporation
that is certied by the B Lab (a tax-exempt charitable organization)asacompanythatis
working to solve social and environmental problems.[EO §4.11(d)].
background le document
Thephrase“backgroundledocument,”withrespecttoawritten determination, includes
the request for that written determination, any written materia l submitted in support of the
request, and any communication, written or otherwise, between the IRS and personsoutside
the IRS in connection with the written determination (other than a communication between
the Department of Justice and the IRS relating to a pending civil or criminal case or investi-
gation received before issuance of the written determination (IRC §6110(b)(2)). These doc-
uments generally are disposed of by the IRS within three years from the date they are made
available for public inspecti on (IRC§6110(j)(2)). [EO §28.9(a)(i); HC §34.2].
The word “balance” means the remainder of something, usually arrived at following reconcili-
ation of accounts (debits and credits,asse ts and liabilities).Tax-exempt charitable organiza-
tions are required by the fe deral tax law to calculateannuallythebalanceoftheirassetsand
liabilities, and to report this item on their annual information return (IRC §6033(b)(4)). [EO
§28.3(g)] (also Balance sheet).
balance sheet
A“balancesheet”istheportionofanorganization’snancial statement and/or annual infor-
mation return that states the o rganizat ion’s balance of it s assets and liabilities.Thisbalance
will either be net assets or net liabilities, or,if t he organizationuses fund accounting, the fund
balance. [AR §7.2(c); AU §5.19(h)] (also Form 990).
Balanced Budget A ct of 1997
By enactment of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Congress expanded the Medicare program
by adding Medicare Part C, which permits Medicare beneciaries to receive ser vices covered
Bruce R. Hopkins’ Nonprot Law Dictionary, First Edition. Bruce R. Hopkins.
©2015 Bruce R. Hopkins. Published 2015 by John Wiley& S ons,Inc.

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