Business of Advertising, Broadcasting, or Publishing Exclusion


The CGL form limits advertising injury and personal injury in a very important way. Both of these coverages, and the combined 1998 CGL revised form, contain exclusions removing coverage for injury if the company is engaged in the business of advertising. Generally, in CGL standard forms existing before the 1998 CGL revision, personal injury coverage contains an exclusion for the injury if the injury is caused by the insured's "advertising, publishing, broadcasting or telecasting" conduct. Likewise, the policy restricts advertising injury coverage to injury arising out of "an offense committed by an insured whose business is advertising, broadcasting, publishing or telecasting."[221] In the combined personal and advertising injury of the 1998 revised form, the exclusion remains.[222]

In the 2001 CGL revision, the industry attempted to further restrict coverage by modifying the exclusion to, ". . . an insured whose business is . . . (3) An Internet search...

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