
Publication year2021
Connecticut Bar Journal
Volume 71.




The year 1998 marks the 71st year of publication for the Connecticut Bar journal. The goal of the journal, since its beginnings in 1927, has been to serve the bench and bar by providing thoughtful analysis of legal topics which are of interest to the legal community. The journal has and will continue to fulfill that mission in the years ahead.

Over the past few years, the number of magazine format legal articles has increased dramatically. Many of these are excellent and provide a quick review of specialty topics. However, in general, the magazine format does not provide the opportunity for a more thorough and in-depth critical analysis of important legal topics. The Bar journal serves the important purpose of providing such a detailed review.

I know that many of you have thought about taking on the task of writing an article for the Bar journal, but somehow have either not made the time to put your thoughts on paper, or felt intimidated by the task of conforming your article to Blue Book standards. The Bar journal has staff editors who are anxious to assist you in developing your ideas into articles, both in terms of offering suggestions on substantive points of law, as well as conforming your writing to Blue Book format. The...

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