At the conclusion of a 2-day trial, the jury initially com-
pleted both the plaintiff and the defendant’s jury ver-
dict forms. The jury determined that the plaintiff had
suffered $1,262 in economic damages, but also con-
cluded that the defendant was not liable. The court
sent the jury back for further deliberations based upon
the inconsistent verdict forms, both of which were
completed. The jury returned its verdict for the defen-
dant and no damages were awarded. The plaintiff
filed a motion to set aside the verdict due to the in-
consistencies with both forms being completed. The
court denied the motion and judgment was entered
in favor of the defendant.
Damaris Santos vs. Hazel Johnson. Case no. CV17-
6074184S; Judge M. Nawaz Wahla, 09-25-19.
Attorney for plaintiff: Jonathan Perkins of Perkins &
Associates in Woodbridge, CT. Attorney for
defendant: Philip R. Dunn, Jr. of Jackson O’Keefe,
LLP in Wethersfield, CT.
Rear End Collision
Motor vehicle negligence – Rear end collision –
Minor plaintiff suffered injuries to head when
vehicle struck from rear while stopped to make
left turn – Facial lacerations – Facial scarring –
Head injury.
Withheld County, MA
In this motor vehicle negligence matter, the minor
plaintiff alleged that the defendant driver was
negligent in striking the rear of the plaintiff’s
stopped vehicle. As a result, the minor plaintiff
suffered injuries when she struck her head and
was caused to suffer facial lacerations and
scarring. The defendant driver denied the
allegations and disputed causation and damages.
The 5-year-old female minor plaintiff was a rear seat
passenger in her family’s vehicle. While the vehicle
was stopped to make a left turn, it was struck from be-
hind by the defendant’s vehicle. The force of the im-
pact caused the rear window of the plaintiff’s vehicle
to break, showering the minor back-seat plaintiff in
shredded glass. She sustained multiple lacerations to
her face and head as a result and she was diag-
nosed with 4 significant lacerations to her face which
resulted in scarring. Additionally, she sustained a
bump on her forehead.
The plaintiff brought suit against the defendant driver
alleging negligence. The defendant driver denied the
allegations. The defendant driver disputed causation
and damages arguing that the plaintiff’s injuries were
not causally related or permanent in nature. Particu-
larly, the defendant maintained that the purported
bump on the child’s forehead was not causally re-
lated and was in fact a preexisting condition that the
defendant did not cause or further damage.
The parties ultimately agreed to resolve the plaintiff’s
claim for the sum of $75,000 in a confidential settle-
ment between the parties prior to any trial in this
Minor Plaintiff vs. Defendant Driver.
Attorneys for plaintiff: James V. Marano, Jr. and
Linda M. Freehill of Kushner & Marano, PC in
Newton, MA.
$65,000 VERDICT
Motor vehicle negligence – Rear end collision –
Hip injury – Back injury requiring epidural
Middlesex County, MA
In this motor vehicle negligence matter, the
plaintiff driver alleged that the defendant driver
was negligent in striking the rear of the plaintiff’s
vehicle while it was stopped for a red light. The
plaintiff suffered injuries to his hip and back. The
defendant driver denied the allegations and
disputed causation and damages.
The male plaintiff was operating his vehicle and was
stopped at the intersection where the collision oc-
curred for a red traffic light. While the plaintiff’s vehicle
was stopped, the defendant’s vehicle collided into
the rear of the plaintiff’s vehicle. As a result of the colli-
sion, the plaintiff suffered injuries to his right hip and
lower back.
He was diagnosed with a labral tear, lumbar injury
which resulted in right-sided sciatic pain radiating
down his leg and right sacroiliac joint arthropathy. The
plaintiff underwent conservative care and ultimately,
due to the continued pain and discomfort, received
steroidal injections.
The plaintiff brought suit against the defendant driver
alleging negligence.
The defendant denied the allegations and disputed
the plaintiff’s allegations of injuries and damages. The
matter proceeded to trial. The defendant filed a mo-
tion in limine to prevent the plaintiff from presenting
any evidence that the defendant was intoxicated at
Volume 35, Issue 9, April 2020 Subscribe Now

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