New resources in 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy campaign unveiled.

360 Degrees of Financial Literacy, the national effort of the CPA profession to improve the financial understanding of Americans across the country, provides a comprehensive approach to financial education by focusing on the information people need at each stage of their lives from childhood to retirement ( Using an approach based on common life stages that trigger financial issues, such as childhood, college, career, military and reserves, couples and marriage, parenthood, home ownership, entrepreneurs, life crisis, sandwich generation and retirement, this unique program allows consumers to zero in on their particular financial issues.

Several new resources are now available for CPAs interested in volunteering for this effort. Here is a brief rundown of what's at your disposal:

* CPA Financial Literacy Resource Center. The online center,, is a "one stop shop" including adviser content on basic financial issues, toolkits, updates and links to other financial literacy Web sites and state society resources.

* Free CPE Program. To ensure CPAs are prepared to be successful financial literacy volunteers in their communities, the AICPA is offering a free CPE course covering the major financial literacy topics. The course was created from Financial Guidance for Every American, a book written by CPA/PFS Mark Altieri. This program is available through the CPA Financial Literacy Resource Center.

* CPA Mobilization Kits. All the tools a CPA needs to engage in community discussions are included in these kits, created by...

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