31-b-5 Florida's Classification Guidelines

LibraryA Jailhouse Lawyer's Manual (2020 Edition)

31-B-5. Florida's Classification Guidelines

In Florida, security classification decisions are made by two groups, the Institutional Classification Team ("ICT") and the State Classification Office ("SCO").33 The ICT includes the warden or assistant warden, the classification supervisor, and the chief of security, and is responsible for making work, program, housing, and prisoner status decisions at a facility and for making other recommendations to the State Classification Office.34 The State Classification Office is responsible for reviewing recommendations made by the ICT.35 When a new prisoner arrives, the ICT uses the Custody Assessment and Reclassification computer program ("CARS") to prepare an automated custody classification questionnaire using all available sources to determine the appropriate degree of supervision, including information such as your criminal history and sentence.36 When the questionnaire is...

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