31-b-4 California's Classification Guidelines

LibraryA Jailhouse Lawyer's Manual (2020 Edition)

31-B-4. California's Classification Guidelines

In California, new prisoners are assigned a classification score when they are committed to state prison.23 This classification determines the type of institution in which the prisoner is placed. In California, there are four levels of prisons. Level 1 houses the least dangerous prisoners, and Level 4 houses the most dangerous. In order to fill out an prisoner classification score sheet, a counselor will first review documents, such as probation reports, and then interview the prisoner.24 A committee will then conduct a hearing to determine your classification.25 The committee will review the counselor's score sheet and consider various factors during the hearing, including:

1) background information such as your age at first arrest, current prison term, street gang affiliation, mental illness, prior sentences, and prior...

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