Vain women post more on Facebook.

PositionSocial Networking - Report

Females who base their self worth on their appearance tend to share more photos online and maintain larger networks on social sites, points out a study published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. The results suggest that females identity more strongly with their image and appearance while utilizing Facebook as a platform to compete for attention. 'There appears to be persistent differences in the behavior of women and men that result from a cultural focus on female image and appearance," notes researcher Michael A. Stefanone.

The study found that contingencies of self-worth explain much of the social behavior enacted online. "Those whose self-worth is based on public-based contingencies--defined as outside approval, physical appearance, and outdoing others in competition--were more involved in online photo sharing, and those whose self-worth is most contingent on appearance have a higher intensity of online photo sharing.

"Participants whose self-worth is based on...

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