Cba President's Message

Publication year2021
50 Colo.Law. 4
No. Vol. 50, No. 5 [Page 4]
Colorado Lawyer
May, 2021

Leading through Engagement

A Message from the Greater Colorado Task Force



In December 2020, I shared my President's Message with two past presidents of the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association, Christine Hernandez and Annie Martfnez, to promote the proposed CLE requirement relating to equity, diversity, and inclusivity.[1] This month, I am delighted to share my column with Windsor Town Attorney and CBA Executive Council member Ian McCargar, to highlight what the CBA is doing to assess and address the needs of CBA members statewide.

This work arises from the CBAs REFOCUS 2020 Strategic Plan, introduced in spring 2016, which includes statewide outreach and inclusion as a significant priority. Specifically, the "E" in "REFOCUS" stands for our objective to "Engage Under-Represented Populations," including statewide populations, by "improving and ensuring their inclusion at all levels of the CBA" through means such as "using technology to better reach members statewide" and "strengthening local bar associations."[2]

In light of this strategic priority, CBA Immediate Past President Kathleen Hearn Croshal constituted the Greater Colorado Task Force—a geographically diverse group of eight CBA members from around the state—and appointed Ian McCargar as chair. Since January 2020, the Task Force has met over a dozen times. Conversations with invited guests guided the Task Force toward a better understanding of issues practitioners and Colorado citizens face outside the metro area. Through these conversations, a consistent theme emerged: the CBA can and should do more to promote greater participation in CBA programs, communication, and leadership opportunities for its members in Greater Colorado.

Jessica Brown, CBA president

The Greater Colorado Task Force has created a Report and Recommendations (Report), which it will present during the CBA Board of Governors' upcoming June meeting. The Report urges the CBA to improve the value and relevance of CBA membership to lawyers who practice outside the Denver metropolitan area. It identifies four key areas of focus:

■ CBA structure

■ CBA programs and benefits

■ local bar resources and local bar impacts

■ role of technology.

The Report recommends changes in CBA policy and practices within each of these key focus areas. The Task Force believes each recommendation will benefit the CBA and its membership. Recommendations include:

■ structural revisions through amendments to the CBA Bylaws

■ contributions of content to Colorado Lawyer from Greater Colorado

■ program enhancements targeted at Greater Colorado

■ enhanced staff, administration, and leadership outreach to Greater Colorado

■ continued investment in remote meeting culture, technology, and...

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