2019 Hahn-Sigelman Prize

AuthorCostas Panagopoulos
Published date01 September 2020
Date01 September 2020
Subject MatterArticles
American Politics Research
2020, Vol. 48(5) 531
© The Author(s) 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1532673X20939713
I am delighted to announce that the winner of the Hahn-
Sigelman Prize for best article published in American Politics
Research in 2019 is “Working Mothers Represent: How
Children Affect the Legislative Agenda of Women in
Congress,” by Lisa A. Bryant (California State University
Fresno) and Julia Marin Hellwege, (University of South
Dakota). The article appeared in the May 2019 issue (Volume
47, Issue 3).
I am indebted to members of the prize selection commit-
tee whose diligence and professionalism were exemplary.
The committee, capably chaired by Thomas Holyoke
(California State University Fresno), also included Sarah
Oliver (Towson University) and Meredith Conroy (California
State University San Bernadino), co-recipients of the 2018
Hahn-Sigelman Prize.
In this article, Bryant and Hellwege ask how motherhood
influences the policy focus of members of Congress who are
also mothers. As more women are elected to the United States
Congress, as well as state legislatures, the issues that get on to
the lawmaking agenda have begun to change, reflecting dif-
ferent priorities and experiences. Bryant and Hellwege find
this to be especially true of women who are mothers.
By studying the ways in which children shape the identi-
ties of women in Congress, Bryant and Hellwege find that
currently experiencing motherhood does influence the issues
and policies female members of Congress introduce and
push through the legislating process. They examine data on
bill introduced in Congress from 1973 to 2013 and find a
difference: women with young children are more likely to
sponsor bills on child health and welfare. The committee
believes this article represents a significant contribution to
the growing literature on the role of women in Congress, and
how more diverse legislatures can produces diverse legisla-
tive agendas.
The best-article prize is named in honor of two now
deceased former editors of this journal. Harlan Hahn (1939–
2008) was the founding editor of American Politics Quarterly
(which shifted from a quarterly to a bi-monthly journal in
2001). He served as editor from 1973 until 1981. His research
spanned many areas, including urban studies, health politics,
and criminal justice. A survivor of childhood polio, he was
also a strong advocate of disability rights and a pioneer in the
academic field of disability studies. He contributed to the
passage of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990. Lee Sigelman (1945–2009)
edited American Politics Research from 1984 to 1988, from
the University of Kentucky, the NSF, and the University of
Arizona. He later served as editor of the American Political
Science Review, from George Washington University. Over a
long and very productive career, he authored hundreds of
articles and multiple books, won many prizes for his diverse
work on political behavior and was widely admired for his
keen insight, personal warmth, and great humor
Costas Panagopoulos
Editor, American Politics Research
939713APRXXX10.1177/1532673X20939713American Politics Research
2019 Hahn-Sigelman Prize

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