Lawyers Reflect on 50 Years of Practice

JurisdictionCalifornia,United States
CitationVol. 01 No. 2016 Pg. 01
Publication year2016
Lawyers reflect on 50 years of practice
No. 2016 #01
California Bar Journal
January, 2016

More than 800 attorneys marked their half-century of membership in the State Bar of California last year. The list included two especially notable names -former Chief Justice Ronald M. George and Gov. Jerry Brown. The California Bar Journal sought the observations of these bar veterans on significant changes in the profession over the last 50 years. Here's a selection of the more than 50 responses we received. Thanks to all who took the time to share their thoughts.

"A major change in the practice of law that has taken place in California during the past 50 years is the widespread recognition of a professional obligation to encourage, support, and engage in pro bono efforts on behalf of the increasing number of Californians who are unable to afford legal representation in civil matters that may affect their most vital interests. In the 1960s, when I entered the legal profession, the managing partners of most law firms would at best grudgingly tolerate such efforts undertaken by newly hired associates. But today, law firm culture has evolved to where pro bono activity is widely embraced with enthusiasm by the majority of law firms and engaged in by their most senior partners." — retired Chief Justice Ronald M. George

"More laws and more damn lawsuits." - Gov. Jerry Brown

"I believe the most significant change is the attempt to make more free/affordable services available to those in need. This is particularly true for the elderly who feel lost in this rapidly changing, complicated world. I have experienced elderly clients who now sleep at night just because they know they have someone to protect them." — Hugh Swanson, Newport Beach

"One word - specialization." — Warren...

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