The Boarder Appeal

Publication year2003
CitationVol. 32 No. 10 Pg. 6
32 Colo.Law. 6
Colorado Lawyer

2003, October, Pg. 6. The Boarder Appeal


Vol. 32, No. 10, Pg. 6

The Colorado Lawyer
October 2003
Vol. 32, No. 10 [Page 6]

Bar News
Bar News Highlight
The Boarder Appeal
by Lindsay Packard

The "Highlight" page of Bar News presents, among other things, vignettes about lawyer activities outside the practice of law and/or member contributions to the community If you have an interesting avocation, story, or tall tale to relate, or if you would like to recommend someone to be "highlighted," please contact Lindsay Packard at

Shred. Rip. Carve. Most everyone who grew up in the Midwest might think those verbs were in the recipe for a pulled-pork sandwich. They would never think that the terms would be synonymous with a thrilling ride down the peaks of a mountain.

Tracie J. Stumpf Hulbert, Cleveland native and Colorado transplant, had never stepped foot in a snowboard binding or ski binding for that matter, until her first year as a law student at the University of Denver College of Law. She then decided she needed an outlet for the stress that accompanied the rigors of law school. Like many of the harried individuals in Colorado, Tracie headed toward the mountains to find a natural endorphin release.

Now, in her fifth year as a snowboarder and her second as an attorney, Tracie works and plays in Summit County. Once a stress outlet, snowboarding has now turned into a full-time passion. Tracie competes in boardercross races. In this freestyle snowboard discipline, from four to six people leave the starting gate at the same time and then turn, twist, and jump their way to the finish line. The sport, which is currently a part of the US Open of snowboarding, as well as the X Games, will most likely be an Olympic event in 2006. Tracie is a member of the the United States of America Snowboarding Association ("USASA"), an association open to both amateur and professional snowboarders.

Last year, Tracie decided to take her passion a step further; she registered herself as a boarder for the Copper Mountain Snowboard Series, which she calls "a great locals mountain," and began racing in competitions across the state.

"It wasn't enough for me to just board recreationally. I had to get more out of it, so I started competing. My parents were surprised that I am athletically inclined at all."


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