2. (§20.10) Timing

LibraryFederal Civil Litigation in Oregon (OSBar) (2009 Ed.)

2. (§20.10) Timing

Parties must timely file motions for protective orders, generally before the date set for production. Brittain v. Stroh Brewery Co., 136 FRD 408, 413 (MDNC 1991); In re Coordinated Pretrial Proceedings in Petroleum Products Antitrust Litigation, 669 F2d 620, 622 n 2 (10th Cir 1982); Seminara v. City of Long Beach, No. 93-56395, 93-56512, 1995 US Dist LEXIS 29729, at *13, 1995 WL 598097 (9th Cir Oct 6, 1995) (unpublished). Filing a motion for a protective order may excuse the failure of a...

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