2.130 - 1. Administrative And Arbitral Forums

JurisdictionNew York

1. Administrative and Arbitral Forums

When a public employee is being subjected to disciplinary action under the procedures of Civil Service Law § 75 or under the disciplinary procedures of a collective bargaining agreement, the sole forum to raise the whistle-blower defense under the statute is during a disciplinary arbitration or a Civil Service Law § 75 hearing. Pursuant to Civil Service Law § 75-b(3)(a), disciplinary arbitrators and Civil Service Law § 75 hearing officers are mandated to rule on the statutory defense in the arbitration award or hearing officer decision.1538 The failure of a disciplinary hearing officer to consider a Civil Service Law § 75-b defense constitutes grounds for setting aside a penalty but the alleged failure must be alleged in the Article 78 petition.1539

If a collective bargaining agreement contains a provision prohibiting the employer from taking adverse personnel actions and a provision with final and binding arbitration, a public employee must challenge retaliatory personnel actions through the grievance arbitration mechanism pursuant to Civil Service Law § 75-b(3)(b).1540 Arbitrators selected to determine a grievance under Civil Service Law § 75-b are statutorily mandated to rule on the merits of the statutory claim. The failure of a disciplinary arbitrator to fulfill his or her statutory responsibility to render a separate determination on an employee’s Civil Service Law § 75-b defense is grounds for judicial vacatur of the arbitration award.1541 Where the record demonstrates specific incidents of misconduct, an arbitration award rejecting a Civil Service § 75-b will be sustained.1542

In the disciplinary context, if the arbitrator or Civil Service Law § 75 hearing officer determines that the disciplinary action or proposed disciplinary action was based solely on conduct protected by Civil Service Law § 75-b, the arbitrator or hearing officer is mandated to dismiss or recommend dismissal of the disciplinary process and if appropriate reinstate the employee with back wages.1543 In addition, in the disciplinary arbitration context, the arbitrator is authorized to “take other appropriate action as is permitted in the collectively negotiated agreement.”1544 Similarly, when determining a non-disciplinary grievance asserting a violation of Civil Service Law § 75-b, an arbitrator is granted the authority to “take such action to remedy the violation as is permitted by the collectively negotiated agreement.”1545

In In re Obot,1...

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