Computer Faxing and Electronic Messaging

Publication year1995
24 Colo.Law. 1801
Colorado Lawyer

1995, August, Pg. 1801. Computer Faxing and Electronic Messaging


Vol. 24, No. 8, Pg. 1801

Computer Faxing and Electronic Messaging

by Steven M. Zapiler

While there are many aspects to the technological revolution going on in the practice of law, computer faxing and electronic messaging are two functions that can be easily and inexpensively implemented by most firms. Sending messages to people inside and outside the law office using a desktop computer dramatically enhances productivity. A good entry point to the information highway concept, computer faxing and electronic messaging are superbly suited for the work performed in a law office. Productivity secrets of computer faxing and electronic messaging include more effective collaboration, administrative cost reductions and dramatic time savings for nonbillable tasks.

Productivity Secret Number One

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication

Sending and receiving messages within an office by computer enhances collaboration and communication with other members of the firm and its staff. This allows you to:

1) include others in the "loop" of what is going on, thereby increasing teamwork and communication;

2) use your time more effectively by communicating when it is convenient to you;

3) automatically archive and easily review intra-office communications without filing more pieces of paper;

4) maintain a record of phone calls received without filing little paper notes;

5) increase accuracy of requests, instructions and delegation of tasks; and

6) maximize collaboration and institute a team approach in the office.

What You Need

To use intra-office computer messaging software, it is necessary to be connected in a network. Most law offices use WordPerfect and, for many, the logical messaging software will be WordPerfect Office/Novell Groupwise. Novell, the computer networking company, recently merged with WordPerfect, and their office messaging software is thoughtfully designed. There are many other offerings to consider as well, including Da Vinci Mail and CCMail.

In making a software choice, consider also the ability to connect to the network from a remote location using a laptop, notebook computer or the smaller devices, known as personal digital assistants. This would allow you to send from and receive messages and instructions wherever you are. Using a cellular modem...

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