1992 Cba Regional Automation Workshops

Publication year1992
CitationVol. 21 No. 2 Pg. 263
21 Colo.Law. 263
Colorado Lawyer

1992, February, Pg. 263. 1992 CBA Regional Automation Workshops


Vol. 21, No. 2, Pg. 263

1992 CBA Regional Automation Workshops

by Cynthia L. Acree

The Colorado Bar Association will present its first annual automation workshop program in an effort to help practitioners around the state stay competitive. There has been a great deal of interest in this subject expressed by local bar leaders, and a large number of telephone calls to the Law Office Management Department has been received each week about automation issues. As a result, the CBA Law Office Management Department, with the support of CBA President Tom Cross, has put together a program that will give practitioners enough basic information about computers to make wise purchasing decisions, save money on software and still use the computer effectively in law practice.

The program also will expand user understanding of telecommunications and on-line computer services such as LEXIS and COBARNet. The workshop, cosponsored by Mead Data Central, is designed to help attorneys price their services when using the computer and recover their costs. The workshop will be preceded by a continental breakfast and opening remarks by each local bar president.

Today's Automated Lawyer

The first part of the workshop will provide an understanding of the degree to which automation is used around the country and in Colorado. How many law firms use personal computers? What do firms typically use them to accomplish? Trends in hardware and software selection will be discussed, as well as the most cost-effective training tools and methods. This part of the program will focus on the issues that make computerization a necessity in the legal environment. It also will address the impact of automation on the small firm.

Some time will be spent on hardware basics. The computer parts and functions they perform will be described. Participants will have the opportunity to look inside the computer terminal and see what the parts look like. The minimum configuration of a personal computer adequate to perform well in a legal setting will be presented. The goal of this part of the workshop is to enable any participant to make informed purchases and gain a working knowledge of computer terminology. Types of printers will be discussed, as well as the features needed to maximize a law firm's productivity. The workshop also will...

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