Legal Resource Clips

Publication year1987
15 Colo.Law. 2006
Colorado Lawyer

1987, November, Pg. 2006. Legal Resource Clips


Vol. 15, No. 9, Pg. 2006

Legal Resource Clips

Selected and prepared by the following persons: Kathryn Spack, Jean Tarbel and Kenneth Smith of Holme Roberts &amp Owen; and Dorothy Norbie of Roath & Brega.

This department is published in The Colorado Lawyer on a periodic basis. Readers wishing to make review suggestions or to provide review copies should send them to Dorothy Norbie at Roath & Brega, P.O. Box 5560 T.A Denver, CO 80217-5560, or call (303) 691-5400

The following information is derived from information provided by the publishers, an inspection of the work, or Books in Print.

American Law Reports Digests 3rd, 4th and Federal; Index to Annotations. Bancroft-Whitney. The Digest copyright 1985, 9 volumes, $297, kept current with annual pocket parts (approximately $50). The Index copyright 1986, 5 volumes, $200, kept current with annual pocket parts (approximately $40).

The ALR Digest System provides digest access to ALR 1st through ALR 4th and ALR Fed. The newest digest in the system includes 3rd, 4th and Fed. in a single alphabetical arrangement of nine volumes.

The researcher first selects the digest topic title from the list of titles included in the front of each volume, reviews the scope note to verify the topic's content and then scans the topic outline for the likely section. Each section contains references to AMJur 2d and includes brief annotations classified to that topic and section. For earlier cases and annotations, the researcher can move fairly easily to an earlier ALR digest.

However, because topics are added or revised to reflect changes in the law since publication of the previous digest series, the researcher may have to make some adjustments in which topic to use. A parallel table after the scope note takes the user from earlier digest sections to the new topic sections, and cross-references within the new or revised topic help the researcher make those adjustments.

The ALR Digest system increases the usefulness of ALR by creating a topical approach to research in the ALRs. In contrast, the Index to Annotations uses a descriptive word index approach to researching the ALRs.

The reddish-orange, five-volume Index to Annotations replaced the black quick index volumes for ALR 2d, 3d, 4th and Fed. Accordingly, the researcher can now look in one place to find annotations in ALR 2d, 3d, 4th or Fed. instead of two or three places.

Volume five of the set includes a Table of Laws, Rules and Regulations cited in ALR annotations, as well as a History Table of ALR annotations for all series, which have been superseded or supplemented by later annotations.

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