AuthorBy Gordon G. Gauss

5 Colo.Law. 43

Colorado Lawyer


1976, January, Pg. 43.


43LEGISLATIVE ACTION REPORTBy Gordon G. Gauss,, CBA public relations and legislative counsel

CBA's 1976 Legislative Effort

Colorado Bar Association efforts during the 1976 session of the state's legislature will extend to such diverse topics as small claims courts, health care malpractice and judicial selection and tenure.

CBA also will seek increased fees for lawyers serving as court-appointed defense counsel and will study recommendations for salary increases for officials outside civil service, including judges and district attorneys.

A bill drafted by a bar committee establishing small claims courts in each county court already has won approval of the CBA governors and will be offered with Sen. Ray Kogovsek of Pueblo and Rep. Charles Howe of Boulder as prime sponsors.

The board also has accepted a report by the CBA's special committee on health care malpractice which, in essence, opposes any bills interfering with the right of individuals to seek redress for injuries suffered.

At the same time it approved recommendations of another special bar committee that the court-appointed attorneys' fees be increased in criminal cases---a step which will require increased appropriations to become effective.

The association will persist in its efforts to protect the merit system of selection of judges and the non-partisan referendum method by which they can seek new terms.

Board to Add to Items Considered

These major objectives likely will be expanded when the bar governors convene in Denver January 24 for their mid-winter meeting. Due for consideration will be the recommendation of the new State Officials Compensation Commission, created to suggest salaries for judges, district attorneys, legislators and state executives. None of the four groups has had a pay raise in recent years.

CBA strongly supported passage last year of the bill which established the compensation commission and four of the nine persons subsequently appointed to it are CBA members---former Gov. John A. Love, State Sen. Richard H. Plock, Arnold Alperstein and Laird Campbell. A non-lawyer named chairman of the commission is retired DU Chancellor Chester M. Alter, a leader in the drive a decade ago for passage of the judicial selection and tenure system.


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