§11.1 Introduction

LibraryLabor and Employment Law: Private Sector (OSBar) (2011 Ed.)

This chapter provides a general overview of the good-faith collective bargaining obligation imposed on employers and unions under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), as amended by the Labor-Management Relations Act. See 29 USC §§151-169 (NLRA §§1-19). Topics covered include the legal standards that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the federal courts use to determine good-faith bargaining; when the duty to negotiate exists; when the duty is suspended, waived, or terminated; which business entities and which issues are subject to the duty to bargain; and possible structures for bargaining.

This chapter focuses on the bargaining obligations imposed on employers under federal law. In collective bargaining, the union is the party asking for improvements in the wages, hours...

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