100 People who are screwing up America:.

AuthorFischer, Raymond L.
PositionAnd AI Franken Is #37 - Book review


Former senior correspondent for CBS News Bernard Goldberg received six Emmy Awards for his reporting on "48 Hours" and recently acquired another one for Outstanding Sports Journalism for his work on HBO's "Real Sports." Goldberg authored two previous books--the national bestseller Arrogance and The New York Times bestseller Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distorts the News. His third effort promises to become as popular as the first two.

In 100 People, Goldberg exposes the "slow poison" being injected into the "veins" of the country. In listing his top (or is it bottom?) 100, he emphasizes the selections are his alone; however, with the challenge, "Why should I have all the fun?" he invites readers to send him their choices. Goldberg lists 99 liberals (left, far-left, and radical left) and one conservative radio talk show host who has gone "over the top" as he plays right into the hands of liberals.

Beyond "the usual suspects," Goldberg identifies the "America Bashers" who seem to find the U.S. a terrible place, a land of "bottomless stupidity." With a sense of moral superiority, these cloistered, cultured liberal elites try to foster their "twisted sense of morality onto the rest of us," whom they consider to be hopelessly dumb and pathetically religious--"right-wing, unenlightened yahoos." It will be no surprise that many on the list are politicians (Democrats naturally), and several are authors, lecturers, and professors, "the intellectual thugs at some of our 'best' [read Eastern] universities." One of the most insidious is author and lecturer Jonathan Kozol, a fierce opponent of traditional learning. Kozors On Being a Teacherincludes a method by which teachers can subvert capitalist America's "bad" ideology by cleverly and subtly substituting some "good" left-wing indoctrination. "All across America" teachers are incorporating his ideas in their classrooms.

In subdivisions within his 100, Goldberg lists "American Pioneers," older individuals who no longer actively screw things up as badly as they once did, but who have laid the groundwork for the many screwups who consider them exemplary. Goldberg distinguishes among "Dumb Celebrities," "Vicious...

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