§ 1-3 Charge Allowing Note-taking - Preliminary Charge

LibrarySouth Carolina Requests to Charge - Criminal (SCBar) (2012 Ed.)

§ 1-3 Charge Allowing Note-Taking - Preliminary Charge

Members of the jury, you may take notes during trial if you wish. Pads and pens will be made available. Any notes that you take will be for your personal use. However, you should not take them with you from the courtroom. During recesses, the bailiff will take possession of your notes and will return them to you when we reconvene. You may have those notes with you when you deliberate at the end of the case.

If you take notes, do not get so involved in note-taking that you become distracted from the proceedings. Please be cautious because it is possible that you may miss hearing some testimony if taking notes at the time. Be sure to listen to the evidence and observe the demeanor of the witnesses on the stand. The witness's demeanor is something you may consider in determining the credibility of that witness.

Your notes should be used only as aids to your memory and should not be allowed to take precedence over your independent memory of facts. The notes are only for the juror's personal use in refreshing recollection of the evidence. When in deliberations at the end...

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