
§ Territorial Labor Provisions. Unionism in Arizona emerged in the 1880s. The first lodge of the Arizona Railroad Brotherhood was established in 1883. The first miners' union was established in Globe in 1884.18 By 1905, the Western Federation of Miners19 had established nine Arizona locals, and an independent union, the Arizona State Union, was established.20 The Bisbee Miners Union was organized in 1907.21

The Populist movement had its effects in Arizona. By the turn of the century, Labor had developed political clout by uniting with local farmers, businessmen, and professionals to combat "foreign capitalists." Arizona unions were successful in getting territorial legislation prohibiting coercion of employees to buy goods from a particular person (from the "company store"),22 prohibiting payment of wages with scrip,23 requiring workers to be paid "at once" upon termination of employment,24 limiting the number of consecutive hours workers could be forced to work without...

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