
§ The Age of Violence. One commentator has noted that "the coming of the machine age tended to despoil human personality. It turned men and women into 'hands.'"9 Under competitive economic pressures brought about by the Industrial Revolution, many employers undertook repressive and often severe measures to cut costs and increase production. On occasion, wages of male employees were cut; their hours of work were increased without an increase in pay; women and children were hired in place of men; and inmate and immigrant labor was used.10 Often, employers, individually and through employer organizations, resisted efforts of workers to organize or to improve their wages and working conditions. Some employers used strike-breakers, "bulls" (company police), spies, "spotters," federal troops and company-dominated law enforcement officials, lock-outs,11 and even violence12 to thwart unionism. Some workers showing union or union-like inclinations were summarily dismissed and blacklisted.13 With the help of the judiciary, employers resorted to the liberal use of injunctions on the basis that employee organizations...

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