
§ The Farm Labor Conditions.217 Better roads and transportation systems gave rise to the migratory farmworker, traveling from state to state and farm to farm, doing seasonal agricultural work. Entire families of cotton pickers, cotton choppers, and fruit and vegetable harvesters migrated throughout the western states. Migrant agricultural workers were trucked into Arizona by "contractors" from Texas, southern California, and Florida. Working and living conditions for migratory farmworkers ranged from poor to deplorable. Often, they lived in overcrowded, squalid, vermin infested hovels?when there was housing available?provided by the farmers with no running water or sanitary facilities, frequently for an outrageous rental. As a congressional committee stated: "[W]e see families crowded into shelters that looked more like coops for animals, with children undernourished and in poor health, 2 or 3 years...

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