Vol. 34 No. 3, March 2003
- Overpayment SOL.
- Accuracy-related penalty defenses.
- E-Mail subscription services.
- Office of Professional Responsibility.
- Automobile dealers may use replacement-cost method to approximate vehicle-parts inventory cost.
- Applying attribute reduction under Sec. 108(b) in a consolidated group.
- Excess capital losses.
- New Prop. Regs. on bank-deposit interest paid to NRAs.
- Sec. 894 final rules for recharacterizing deductible payments.
- Software royalty source and withholding.
- Favorable Rev. Rul. on contingent convertible bonds.
- Terminating debt instrument hedges.
- Web-based tax resources.
- Tax shelter Temp. Regs.
- Is it wages?
- Current corporate income tax developments.
- SOL on tax refunds.
- Alimony recapture.
- Clarification.
- CCH Retirement Planning Guide, 2d ed.
- PricewaterhouseCoopers Guide to Charitable Giving.
- Rattiner's Financial Planner's Bible.
- Real Estate Taxation: A Practitioner's Guide.
- Strategic Corporate Tax Planning.
- Customer disputes and accrual of income.
- Interest capitalization issues under Sec. 263A(f).
- Tax shelter lacked nontax business purpose.
- Worker classification of delivery person .